Healing the Body After Emotional Abuse

With Dr. Leslie Myers | Stacy Brookman Emotional Recovery Summit

After being in an emotionally abusive relationship, there are things we know we must do to heal our brains and hearts. But what we might not realize is that being in such a toxic situation also takes its toll on our bodies.

“Healing the Body After Emotional Abuse” is another interesting podcast produced by Stacy Brookman for her Emotional Recovery Summit. It features Dr. Leslie Myers, a “naturopathic” doctor in Asheville, North Carolina, who also can be found at www.waterleafnaturopathic.com.

Dr. Myers explains how when people are under chronic stress, their nervous systems are in a constant state of fight-or-flight. If they do not have the proper down time, time the body needs to repair itself, they will often exhibit physical symptoms which can lead to poor physical health.

Many of these will manifest in the stomach area. In particular, IBS can occur if the proper digestive juices are not flowing. Digestion may also be impacted, with constipation also becoming an issue.

Drama and stress also shows up in the endocrine system, particularly in the adrenal glands. The body may not produce enough cortisol, a chemical which gives us energy. We may even begin to feel both wired and tired, where we experience fatigue but can’t seem to rest. Insomnia can be very common.

Over the long term, adrenal fatigue may lead to thyroid issues as well as infertility problems, as the ovaries may also be affected.

So what to do to make it better?

First, limit sugar intake. Some types of herbs, called adaptogens, may also be helpful by helping the body respond to stress better. Dr. Myers mentions that licorice (the kind without sugar!) can be effective.

However, herbs may take a while to have an effect, up to three to six months, but there are also certain amino acids which may help, including those found in green tea. Another recommendation she makes is to drink lemon water with meals.

How can we change our daily routine to make things better? Baby steps are definitely necessary, says Meyers, and the biggest influencer may be exercise. She recommends setting a goal every single day:  find something that you love, and do it for two to four days a week. On the other days, try to walk for at least 10 minutes, while listening to something positive and inspiring.

Meyer also recommends staying focused, realizing where you are now, and not dwelling on what anyone else is doing. Like seeing a therapist for your emotional health, she suggests getting help for healing your body, especially in the form of someone you can talk to regularly.

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