The Effects on Children Growing Up With Domestic Abuse
Most of us prefer that our children grow up with an intact family, with two parents. And many of us, myself included, will go to

Manipulative Tactics that Make You Stay
As humans, we want to believe what others say, especially those we love. It is hard to fathom that someone we care for would not

My Father Died on Christmas Eve
My father died on Christmas Eve. My relationship with him was complicated. To see us together, you’d say we had a great rapport – we

Bill Eddy’s Sociopaths Webinar (Part 1 of 2)
Bill Eddy’s book, Splitting, was by far the most helpful book we found in navigating one’s way through a high conflict divorce. It was pivotal in

Accepting That Your Partner is Actually Your Adversary
Imagine you’re a veteran CIA agent, part of the Russian counterintelligence unit. One day, you show up to your office and learn that your closest

The Narcissist You Divorced Doesn’t Care About Anybody
One of the freakiest feelings I ever experienced was in the days after the narcissist I was married to for nearly 18 years and father

Avoiding Ineffective Solutions
If your marriage or serious relationship has become strained, you and your partner may consider couples counseling. There’s no doubt that a good therapist can

Healing the Body After Emotional Abuse
With Dr. Leslie Myers | Stacy Brookman Emotional Recovery Summit After being in an emotionally abusive relationship, there are things we know we must do to

Understanding the Nature & Severity of Your Predicament
There’s something wrong in your relationship, and it’s become enough of a problem that you can’t ignore it any longer. You’ve decided to try to