Stalking Through the Courts: Post-Separation Abuse in the Legal System
The idea that “you will have your day in court!” and get justice is a myth. At least that’s how I see it. Now in

Best First Kiss… From the Guy’s Point of View (Part 2)
(Note: this is part 2 of a 2-part series. To read part 1, click here) I found myself not-so-suddenly single – technically, “without a partner” is

Best First Kiss: Getting My Socks Knocked Off in Mid-Life Romance
Whenever I need to forget about where I am, like during wisdom tooth extraction or stuck in traffic on I-95, I often focus on something

Coercive Control: Shedding Light on Invisible Abuse
“Coercive control” is a common household term in the UK which most of us Americans have never heard of. It’s beginning to weave its way

Why I Had the Best Birthday Ever During COVID-19
Coronavirus did not destroy my big birthday plans. Long before this chaotic year, I knew how I wanted to celebrate my milestone, and it was

Common Manipulative Tactics of Toxic People
Nobody likes being played. And most people in toxic relationships – which we refer to better as “manipulationships” have no idea that this is exactly what

It’s Not Over When It’s Over: Long-Awaited Court Victory
There are so many steps to take when getting out of a toxic relationship, especially when it’s gone on for nearly 20 years, and two

The Top 7 Dangers of Toxic Relationships
Note: The video originally appeared as an online workshop followed by a Q&A session. The Q&A is not in this recording. [fvplayer id=”3″] To learn

My Baby’s with a Monster!
How Parents Can Help Their Teen and Adult Children in Toxic Relationships One of the most frustrating and frightening experiences a parent can have is