Courts Are Not Meant To Raise Your Children
How To Choose The Right Custody Evaluator When They Do Get Involved Just like most people getting married never plan for divorce, no one having

Why “Parental Alienation” is Not A Syndrome But Your Child’s Rejection is Real
According to the American Psychological Association, parental alienation is “a child’s experience of being manipulated by one parent to turn against the other (targeted) parent

Parenting Time in Custody Battles: Babies, Breastfeeding, and the Family Court’s Balancing Act
After any separation and divorce, big changes occur so that people can move on with their lives separately. For some, it’s a double-whammy when it

Relocations in Custody Battles and High-Conflict Divorce
How to Move On and Protect Yourself from Parental Alienation Claims It’s normal when a relationship ends for people to be angry and upset. In

I Love Pissing You Off, Because Then I Know You Still Love Me
The Insidious Nature of Narcissistic Abuse and How To Stop Being Their Supply Have you ever noticed that your partner is really only happy when

Trauma Bonding is as Powerful as Heroin Addiction: Why It’s So Hard to Escape Toxic Relationships
Physically removing yourself is often not the most difficult part of getting out of a toxic relationship. What many people who have never been through

“I Only Want To Be With Mommy/Daddy”: How Custody Evaluators May Look More Deeply Into Parental Alienation Claims
There is significant debate about how much a child’s voice and opinions should be taken into account during a high-conflict custody battle. Claims of parental

Who Determines The Actual “Best Interest of the Child?”
The Delicate Balance Between Minor’s Counsel/Attorneys for the Children and Guardian Ad Litems Custody evaluators can be a wide range of people – some appointed

“Situational Awareness” and the Color Code: How to Safely Function While Out in the World (Or in an Abusive Relationship)
Being in a constant “fight or flight” state is often the result of post-traumatic stress disorder, which has a significant physical impact on our bodies