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BTGO Legal Abuse Support Group

Our private, secure meetings are on Sundays at noon ET on Zoom.

BTGO Legal Abuse Support Group

Do you feel like the legal system you turned to for relief has instead become another weapon that is being used against you?

Has this whole experience been causing you psychological, emotional, and – in particular – financial devastation?

What is Legal Abuse?

Forcing a survivor to spend time, money, and emotional resources responding to a legal action provides a means for the abuser to assert power and control over a domestic violence survivor long after a relationship has ended.

The terms “abusive litigation” or “legal abuse” include the misuse of court proceedings by abusers to control, harass, intimidate, coerce, and/or impoverish survivors.*

Tens of thousands of people in the United States are victims of this kind of abuse, and it is a frightening and lonely experience.

By joining a legal abuse support group, you will get much-needed emotional support and professional guidance when you need more strength than ever.

* Quote from Legal Voice Violence Against Women Workgroup.

Should I Join?

This group is for you if you are dealing with someone in the legal system who:
  • Won’t cooperate with the divorce process
  • Is seeking primary or sole custody as punishment or retaliation against you
  • Files repeated motions to modify existing orders
  • Files meritless motions against you
  • Portrays you as an unfit parent
  • Fails to comply with court orders, especially those in an agreement or mediation negotiation
Anyone who needs an understanding ear because everyone else is sick of hearing about it should join this group!

What we Provide in this Support Group

  1. Perspective: We educate you on what to expect and how to prepare yourself
  2. Emotional support, insight, and encouragement so that you don’t give up
  3. Guidance from experts on how to manage various aspects of the process
  4. Help with strengthening your case and developing strategies on how to present in court, communicate with a purpose, and document the facts that matter

About Lisa

Lisa’s experience divorcing a toxic person and subsequent years in the legal system provide her with a level of expertise unique to this topic.

Lisa is a state-certified domestic violence advocate with seven years (and counting) in the court system. She has represented herself successfully on both the trial and appellate court levels through dozens of court appearances, and her case was published in the Connecticut Law Journal (March 23, 2021) to be used as legal precedent. She recently testified before the Connecticut Judiciary Committee in support of domestic violence legislation.

She has saved literally hundreds of thousands of dollars by representing herself in court and has been told by multiple experts that her success is due to her courageous refusal to quit and ability to access an invaluable support network.

Lisa brings radical empathy, resilience, and a wide network of expert professionals to our group to help get you through your own particularly challenging experience.

How Does BTGO’s Legal Abuse Support Group work?

Our support group meetings are on Sundays at noon ET on Zoom. We meet for about 90 minutes, and you’ll have an opportunity to share your story, ask questions, and get feedback and support.

Get Started Now

Been There Got Out is offering this support group with the option of choosing how much you want to pay for each meeting because we understand that financial issues often go hand-in-hand with legal abuse.

Our Legal Abuse Support Group meetings are held in a secure & private Zoom meeting room on Sundays at noon ET. After you make your payment, we’ll send you an email with all the information you need, plus a few questions to give us a better idea of what you’re dealing with and how the group could best meet your needs.